A collection of delectable cream sauce recipes - for pasta, chicken, salmon, seafood and even pork. The preparation times vary based on the complexity...
From several options of marinade for lamb chops to other cuts of lamb marinade recipes. On average each yields just over a cup - enough for a leg of lamb,...
How to grill a leg of lamb over indirect heat for tender, juicy meat. Flavor it before you grill it with a thick and fragrant leg of lamb marinade with...
To fully enjoy beef sirloin tip steak cooked on the stove top or the grill make sure it is sliced thin and tenderized. Mix the marinade and let it spend...
German Frikadellen recipe anyone can handle. Frikadellen are very popular in German cuisine and are often prepared bite-sized and served with radishes,...
The ultimate German potato dumplings - light and fluffy, yet incredibly filling. Make them plain or prepare a traditional bread crouton filling to amplify...
How to cook lamb shoulder chops in a pan - juicy and flavorful they do not take very long. This simple recipe is all you need to enjoy them year-round....
Traditional German sauerkraut soup with potatoes. Topped with seared smoked frankfurter and garnished with parsley. Several possible variations to the...
Tender, pork cutlets smothered in creamy honey mustard pan sauce. A perfect way to cook thin pork chops without drying them out. Dinner on the table in...
Delicious, tried & true pork marinade recipes suitable for all cuts of pork - from pork tenderloin to pork chops and everything in between. Tips on how...
Easy recipe for creamy fish stew with cod. Tender vegetables and potatoes simmer in flavorful broth and bite-sized cod pieces and heavy cream are added...
These fried jalapenos are thinly sliced, dusted with flour and briefly fried until a beautiful, thin and crisp coating forms on the outside. Finished with...
Our braised pork steak with onions is fork tender and flavorful. In this simple recipe slow cooking in moist heat creates a dish so comforting that it...
Quick and easy plum cake recipe from the Old World (Austria and Germany, especially Bavaria). Known as Zwetschgenkuchen, Pflaumenkuchen or Zwetschgendatschi...
Easy ricotta cheese dip. Light and zesty with flavor infusions from fresh herbs, lemon, olive oil and several other optional ingredients. Perfect for dipping...
Delicious and moist roast chicken with crispy skin. One half generously serves one to two people depending on the size of the chicken. Precise half roast...
How to cook outside skirt steak in the style of Argentinian entraña. Enjoy this scrumptious beef cut with just salt and pepper or top with chimichurri....
A hearty sauerkraut salad with crisp, bright flavors at the same time. Enjoy on its own, as a side dish to pork chops or a topping for grilled brats, hot...